Japanese Character Generator
Enter text in Romaji, Kanji, Hiragana, or Katakana and select the desired conversion language.
How to Use:
1. Enter the text you want to translate in the text box. (翻訳したいテキストをテキストボックスに入力します。)
2. Select the language you are translating from. (翻訳元の言語を選択します。)
3. Select the language you want to translate to. (翻訳先の言語を選択します。)
4. Click the "Translate/Convert" button to see the result. (「翻訳/変換」ボタンをクリックして結果を表示します。)

Hankogenerator.com is a site that offers free Japanese character conversion services. Your donation to Hankogenerator.com or a purchase from our shop will cover our core operational expenses in supporting the Hankogenerator project: hardware costs, app server, and buy coffee for our developer. Thank you for supporting this project.